Thursday, July 17, 2014

Registration for Side Events during COP12 has Opened

Dear Focal Points of GYBN Member Organizations,

GYBN would like to inform you that the registration system for Side Events during COP12 has opened. On behalf of the youth major group and in consultation with the CBD Secretariat, GYBN is going to register two Side Events on youth related topics. Please only submit a proposal when you already know for sure that you will participate in COP12.

The topics we are proposing are:
1) How are young people contributing to the implementation of the Convention?

The members of the small GYBN delegation at WGRI-5 and SBSTTA-18 in Montreal were informed by many government delegates that parties are wondering how youth participation is adding value to the CBD-process and why involving young people helps to protect Biodiversity. Therefore we are proposing a side event where youth delegates can present about their organization's work on the ground and how they are contributing to the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

Up to 5 presentations (15min each) by GYBN member organizations are possible. If you are interested, please contact Melina and Christian until July 27.

2) The role of youth in policy processes
This Side Event will provide a platform for youth delegates to share their positive and negatives experiences with youth involvement in policy processes.
The goal of this Side Event is to give participants an overview of how young people are being involved in policy processes and where youth participation is still lacking.
We would like to invite you to present about the level of youth participation in Biodiversity-related decision-making processes in your country, what obstacles
you are facing and what success stories you have experienced. You can also present about your experiences with youth participation in the CBD process and how your government is or is not encouraging youth participation on the international level.

Up to 5 presentations (15min each) by GYBN member organizations are possible. If you are interested, please contact Melina and Christian until July 27.


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