Thursday, October 7, 2010

WATER CONSERVATION SERIES- Grade 6-7 Class/ ASLA School, Canada

Water is used in the kitchen, the bathroom, with our laundry, and outdoors. These are 5 ways we can help cut down on the water we use in our homes. In the kitchen, we can keep a pitcher of water in the fridge rather than running the tap until its cold enough to drink. In the bathroom, while we brush our teeth, shave, or wash our face, turn the tap off. Also take only 5 minute showers to help not use as much water.  When we do laundry, we can just use full loads of clothes in the washer. When you are outdoors, set your sprinklers to only water the lawn, not the sidewalks or the driveways. These are 5 ways you can reduce the water you use in your home.  
 Chloe Leveille


  1. don't know if my first message posted or not.


  2. I liked your comments on water conservations..

    We noticed the park across from our home never was watered, but it remained green.

    So we haven't watered our lawn in three years and the lawn is green, we added a bit of nutrients this year, as we have a bit of a slope and nutrients get a little washed away from the rain. So I agree with you, no need to wash the driveway and sidewalk.

    I think people should be a bit patient about their lawn, with the thunder showers we have in our city, you might not have to water it at all. It might not be the brightest lawn that given day; but the colour comes back, after a good rain, same as we noticed the colour in the park across the street did the same.


  3. Interesting-thanks for the comment. Mr. L.
