Monday, November 21, 2011

Scientific body of global biodiversity treaty adopts eight recommendations

Montreal, 21 November 2011 – At the first meeting of the Convention’s Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice since the adoption of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, held last October in Nagoya,

Japan, representatives of government, indigenous and local communities, non-governmental organizations and civil society met in Montreal from 7 to 11 November 2011 to discuss a variety of scientific, technical and technological issues related to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Among the main outcomes of the meeting was the agreement on an indicator framework to monitor progress for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets contained in the Strategic Plan at both the global and national levels. Parties also agreed to initiate work on ecosystem restoration, recognizing that restoration is an essential element of the package of activities that will be required to implement the Strategic Plan. In this respect the meeting built on the success of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

During the five-day meeting the more than 400 participants also considered issues related to inland water ecosystems, such as implications of changes in the water cycles and freshwater resources, Arctic biodiversity, means of addressing the gaps related to international standards on invasive alien species introduced as pets, aquarium and terrarium species and as live bait and food, the sustainable use of biodiversity related to bushmeat and options for small-scale food and income alternatives, a capacity-building strategy for the Global Taxonomic Initiative, as well as ways and means to improve the effectiveness of the Subsidiary Body.

A total of eight recommendations were adopted, and they will be submitted for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention at its eleventh meeting, to be held in Hyderabad, India, from 8 to 19 October 2012.

The next meeting of the Subsidiary Body will take place from 30 April to 4 May 2012. Among the issues that will be considered are marine and coastal biodiversity, biodiversity and climate change and the next edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook.

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