Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dr. David Suzuki- An Earth Hero

David Suzuki is a famous Canadian environmental activist, television personality, scientist, and author.  He is also the Co-Founder of the David Suzuki Foundation (  His professional accomplishments and awards are truly impressive.    Despite all that he has done to educate people on environmental issues, the media continue to criticize him for his opinions on climate change and global warming.  They say he is not a climate scientist but a geneticist.  They say he is not qualified to have a climate opinion and that humans are not connected to climate change. 

The truth is that there is something very wrong with our relationship to nature. Anyone can see that!  Scientists with many different backgrounds support Suzuki with his strong and powerful message.  Non-scientists too can see something is wrong with our planet’s recent weather patterns.  We need to bring back some balance to this planet before we destroy the basic ecologies that allow us to survive.  Suzuki writes in his many books on how the sacred balance is broken.  Air, water, and soil are core to our survival as a species.  It is a known fact that the living biosphere is directly connected to our climate.  Humans do have a role in recent climate changes. 

On top of being a geneticist, he has received 24 honorary degrees and has been recognized by the UN for his leadership.  We need more leaders like David Suzuki!  We all need to speak out for the things we believe are important.  Maybe then the media will show some respect. Just maybe...   

Mike Leveille
Director of Biodiversitymatters

Image above by Mike Leveille

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