Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Durrell undertakes a comprehensive animal audit (UK)

Image Colm Farrington
Holding a baby panther chameleon

Each New Year at Durrell kicks off with a momentous mathematics exercise, as all zoos, wildlife parks and aquariums are legally required to undertake a comprehensive animal audit.

Durrell’s total headcount for 2011 reached over 1600 individuals of more than 150 species and therefore the audit process proved to be a time consuming job for the keepers tasked with accounting for all of Durrell’s annual arrivals and departures.

Perhaps the most memorable departure during 2011 was that of Silverback gorilla Ya Kwanza who had been a popular resident at the conservation charity’s wildlife park in Trinity since 1993. Significant arrivals included 22 orange tailed skinks rescued following the invasion of Flat Island, Mauritius by the predatory Indian musk shrew; and of course Ya Kwanza’s replacement Badongo who arrived from France in July and is who is now settling in well.

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