Saturday, November 13, 2010


Nature Voice Project is the environmental work we have been developing for several years at Sagrado Corazón School in Ferrol (Spain).

One of the activities we are doing this school year is the cultural and scientific exchanges with Ytrebygda School in Bergen (Norway). Our goal is to exchange information about the estuary of Ferrol an fjord of Bergen. So we´ve made the next working groups:

1. Geological an historic wiews of the estuary and the fjord. How were they formed?
2. Physical and chemical conditions of the estuary and the fjord ( temperature, tide, salinity, exposure of light, wind, waves, and currents).
3.The plankton flora of the estuary and the fjord (pelagic, microscopical algae).
4. Seaweeds of the estuary and the fjord (benthos algae)
5.Animal life in the estuary and the fjord (evertebrats: snails, jellyfish, shellfish, crabs, shrimps)
6. Animal life in the estuary and the fjord (vertebrats: fish, birds and mammals).
7. Human activity in and around the estuary and the fjord. How it affects natural life in the estuary and the fjord?

Then our students will writte through e-mail or mail to exchange this information.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog... keep-up the good work... May I share an article about the tranquil Li River in Guilin , China in
    Watch also in youtube
